It's the last Friday of the month of October, neither have I turned up at any Halloween party nor attended the Oktoberfest. Oh well, very unrelated huh... I asked Clarissa out for dinner, and having known that she's in favor of European cuisine (I hope I'm not wrong), I sourced this French restaurant - Saveur.
The French word saveur means savor/taste/flavor. I believe the restaurant has got something to do with Christianity - there's bible scripture on its website and on the wall above the waiting seats. Besides, on the receipt I found the phrases "God Bless! Taste and See that the Lord is good!" at the bottom.
Duck confit @ $12.90
I shamelessly turned my head, checked out what were on the tables around me and noticed most people ordered this dish. As read from other blogs, it's their signature dish, which one can easily tell from their trademark - a duck looking to its right.
It's Clarissa's order, I took a small piece of it and I think together with the mashed potato it tastes pretty pleasant.
Sea bass @ $14.90
This was my order, and I have to say that the cubic saute potatoes somehow looked like scallops to me. I know right, how on earth can I get so many scallops for only $14.90.
I personally like the crispy and salty skin a lot, which Clarissa doesn't.
Crème brûlée @ $6.90
My appetite was instantly whetted at the moment I broke the top layer of hard caramel while scooping a teaspoonful of custard underneath.
If you're looking for a 'saveury' and relatively affordable French cuisine, please really do visit Saveur.
Try to be really early. We walked in 15 minutes after the restaurant was opened for dinner and half an hour later, the restaurant was almost full, and no reservation can be made, according to their website.
Bon appétit!
Far East Plaza #01-07B
Singapore 228213