Jan 23, 2012

Lund University: CNY Celebration

One saddening fact to be realized during exchange - barely a fortnight after arriving here for exchange it's the Chinese New Year Eve, on 22 Jan 2012 (Sun), which is going to be celebrated out of hometown.
Another not so saddening fact is, no holidays for Chinese New Year in Sweden, or in almost all European countries.

Also, as you can see, what a "White CNY".

And so, all the NUS exchange students in Lund are ethnically Chinese, 11 of 14 of the NUS exchange students plus 1 NTU exchange students, had a 'reunion' dinner at Gareth and Wei Ling's house in Stralsundsvägen, Östra Torn.


Reunion Dinner

After the dinner, we moved to Yiting and Sy Jia's house for some forfeit and drinking games before the hour hand touching 12, to 守歲, maybe?

Skål!!! (Cheers!!!)

And at 12am in Lund, some SMU exchange students and Östra Torn residents dropped by to wish us a Happy Lunar New Year.

And so this is my first and hopefully last CNY celebrated overseas.

龍馬精神 生意興龍 龍飛鳳舞 龍騰虎躍

For more photos, please check out my photo album Lund University: CNY Celebration on Facebook.

Javin Tham A master's degree graduate in engineering, a musician at heart, loves playing with soft toys.

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